Friday, March 2, 2012

Is There No Hope?

Animal Farm: striving for a utopia results in conditions even worse than before.

1984: the utopia created is really no kind of paradise.

Is there nothing that can be done? Do we lose all hope in ever obtaining a future better than what we have today? Should we maybe avoid such results by avoiding utopias altogether?

In our world, with human nature as it is, I don't believe that we can ever achieve anything even close to a utopia. But I also don't think we should give up hope just because it can never happen. If we were to avoid utopias, we could never move forward into a better world. Breaking away from England and forming a democracy was one step towards a utopia. Most people in America believe that a democracy is a better form of government than a dictatorship or monarchy, therefore it is more of a utopia than what we had before. Striving for a utopia helped us to move forward and create better lives for ourselves. If we had decided to avoid it because we were scared of the consequences, it never would have happened. We'd still be under the rule of some king or queen across the ocean. We might not have even made it over here for fear of where it might lead. So, yeah, I believe that we should strive for a utopia even though we know it can never be achieved. You never really know what will happen until you try, and you will never get anywhere if you never try. So try. Dare to fail. And if you do fail, try again, and again, and again, until you finally make progress, even if it is just a baby step. At least you'll know you tried and something came of it.

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