Friday, March 2, 2012

1984- Big Brother is Watching You

Has the government in 1984 accomplished what it wanted? Yes, the middle class set themselves above those who had ruled them. Yes, they have made it impossible to rout them. Theirs will be the ruling government, possibly for the rest of time. How could they ever be defeated? But is this really any kind of a utopia? Everyone, even government officials are subject to their own laws. They have to delude themselves into believing lies to be truth, and then delude themselves into believing that they aren't doing it. Doublethink. What have they gained by making such a government? This is a government where only those who are completely deluded can be happy. There can be no advancement. All joy and individuality is taken away. Some people higher up might live slightly better than those below them, but only by a small margin. The only people in this type of government that can ever be truly happy are those who are too poor to be of any significance, the lower class. In this case, the proles. They can find joy in simple things, yet they are poor and scared and can do nothing about their station in life. Many of them live extremely hard lives, yet are they better off than those who work for the government? Is Big Brother really such a great thing? It unites people, but it locks them in a cage full of strangers, people they can never trust. You can't even truly trust yourself. And these things apply to everyone that follows Big Brother. Is this really such a great way to live? Is Big Brother really the best option?

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