Sunday, February 19, 2012


What is a utopia? This is 'an ideal place or state' or 'any visionary system of political or social perfection' ( Pretty much, it's a place where everyone is equal, everyone does their share of the work within their own abilities, and everyone gets along. In essence, a perfect world.

So why is it impossible to achieve a utopia? You would think that if everyone just tried to get along and do their share of the work, it could be obtained, but it just can't be done. There are some aspects of human nature that just won't allow for a utopia to come about.

To be frank, humans are greedy and power-hungry. We always seem to want more and what we can't have. Generally, we want more power than others so that we can make the decisions and they will have to listen. Humans want to prove their dominance so they strive to achieve power and greatness that will set them apart. This completely goes against the idea of a utopia where everyone is equal. While some of us may be able to deal with not being better than anyone else, there will always be those who just have to be better and this ruins the utopia.

Another reason we can't achieve a utopia is that there will never be a time where everyone gets along with everyone else and accepts all people as they are. There will always be people who just aren't compatible. Everyone has people that they get along with from the start and others who they just can't stand to even be in the same room with them. Everyone's personality is different and no one can get along with everyone. We all have our own faults and there is someone out there who will hate you for yours. We judge others before we even get to know them, and then we continue to judge them even after we know their circumstances. Even if those circumstances aren't their fault, we judge them because we believe they could have made different decisions. This is just another part of human nature that ruins our dream for a perfect world.

Will there ever be any chance of our world achieving a utopia? I don't believe so. No matter how well we may raise our kids to be open-minded and accepting of others, ther will always be those pieces of human nature that will make themselves known. The only way to make sure that ever child is taught in the exact same way so that there won't be differences in ideas that could cause tension would be to restrict freedom of thought and expression. That in itself would ruin our utopia because who can call a world where everyone is exactly the same, with no creativity or freedoms, a paradise? That would be a place where everyone is just another person and there would be no true point in living. So, no, I don't believe we will ever be able to achieve a utopia because it just doesn't fit with who we are as humans.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, I don't believe a true utopia is in our future. The idea of one is nice though.
